Services>Waste Management and Surplus Materials/Recycling Services

Eco One SolutionsIntegrated Green is proud to partner with Eco-One Solutions to provide this solution.

Waste Management and Surplus Materials/Recycling ServicesThe efficient use of resources is a fundamental tenet of green building construction. This requires reducing, reusing, and recycling materials that remain after a construction or renovation project. We offer some of the most comprehensive Construction Waste Management services available today and deliver cost effective programs that benefit our clients and the environment. Our Construction and Demolition Waste Management Services teams include industry leaders in C&D Waste Management. We have the knowledge and experience to maximize recycling and reuse on your project while minimizing cost. Construction, demolition, and renovation projects that we have managed regularly exceed recycling rates of 95%. C&D waste accounts for nearly 40% of the waste stream in the United States, and our programs help minimize the impact on the waste stream, conserve valuable resources, reduce CO2 emissions and save energy.

Reuse constitutes the highest environmental benefit for our clients. Materials that would otherwise be discarded receive new life. Through our Surplus Property and Fixed Assets Reuse Service, we can help clients dispose of surplus materials without harming the environment. Everything from desks and dormitory furnishings to medical equipment and building materials is needed for disaster relief and to help advance economic growth in developing countries. We are uniquely positioned to match clients' surplus materials with charitable and relief organizations, ensuring that valuable resources find the most beneficial use. Quite often our Surplus Property and Fixed Assets Reuse Service costs less than typical disposal.

The purpose of Solid Waste Management programs is to ensure that solid waste is managed in such a way that protects both public health and the environment. Best management practices include collection, treatment, and disposal of solid wastes in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, while using the most economical means available. Integrated Green's Solid Waste Management Services experts guide our clients through the process of designing and implementing an environmentally friendly and sustainable solid waste management program with a goal of increasing waste reduction, recycling and reuse.

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